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August 12 2021 4 12 /08 /August /2021 22:56


Otherwise we going to be left behind for good…

2009, I started a blog discussing amandla edlozi, talking about ancestral problems and sharing personal experiences. A lot of people who related were the ordinary public.  Most healers frowned upon my move and called it “ new age kind of healers” who are bringing about unwanted change.  Fast forward 10 years later…almost every healer is on the social media talking about their craft.  And there is nothing wrong with that. It shows that we as healers are evolving whether we are aware of it or not. Now I am asking for all of us evolve consciously so that we can see an even bigger change and progress in our lives….

Yes, most of the healers are online these days, but some of us are there for the wrong reasons. I am not a judge here but can we please try and act in accordance with the betterment of our nation. If you are on social media make you sure you are there to help and to empower people instead of promoting yourself. A calling is a gift not a business.

When we empower one another it is for the benefit of the whole nation. When we go into this calling with the aim of gaining riches, we run a risk of creating generational curses. And at the same time we fail to satisfy people who come to us seeking help and guidance.

Black people seem to practice their spirituality more than other cultures. When in actual fact, this is just a myth. All cultures have their own spiritual culture that they do but they do not talk about it.  Practicing spirituality means being in touch with your spirits, your guides and the energies that affect our lives. Most people use these energies to prosper in life and also to harmonize their daily life experiences. It is high time that we also do the same.

These energies thrive on Love and positivity. Whatever we do with these energies, it must be for the greater good.  Otherwise we are going to keep on saying that black people are most gifted spiritually but we are the ones who suffer the most. It doesn’t matter how gifted we are, as long as we fail to use these powers wisely we are going to continue to suffer poverty, crime, witchcraft and ancestral problems.  

So, let us get up and chat up…..

Now is the time to stop all the things that hinder our progress spiritually. Otherwise we will remain stuck in our problems forever.

Let us :

  •  Stop practicing other people’s religions.
  • Stop taking things at face value.
  • Stop oppressing people who have ancestral problems. We are all the same.
  • Stop looking down upon people who have ancestral problems.
  • Stop hating on other black people.
  • Stop judging others.


Let us:

  • Start attending our own inkonzo yesintu. Anybody can attend, you don’t need to be a sangoma, gifted or have a calling to attend.  
  • Do your own research and make informed decisions.
  • start guiding and empowering people with ancestral problems instead of being selfish with the knowledge needed to navigate this journey.
  • Start understanding that at the end of the day, ancestral problems affect us all.
  • Start showing Love, compassion and support to other black people.
  • Understand that we all have life struggles that we deal with.

We need to change a lot of things that have not worked in the past.

If we start with this religion that came to disrupt our spirituality, we can uproot the very same cause that has gotten us into this mess to start with. Our forefathers had their own ways of appeasing our ancestors and it worked very well.

whatsapp 081 556 9474 for more info

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August 9 2021 1 09 /08 /August /2021 23:06

To those who always enquire about my contact details... i am based in kzn south coast near umgababa. 

I do readings on appointment only. Readings help you connect with your ancestors. you also get a chance to cleanse your spirits and prepare a proper prayer place at your place. 

Please note that i am always available on whatsapp 0815569474. you can always leave a message and i can get back to you at the end of each day. 

I will be coming to jhb as soon as Lockdown regulations eases. 

thank you 

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August 9 2021 1 09 /08 /August /2021 22:37

Why is everyone becoming a sangoma nowadays…


There are a lot of reasons why we see so many people becoming sangomas these days and here we are going to discuss just a few but most important ones.

In the olden days there used to be healers in our communities. These healers were expertise in their own field. If one healer would consult, he would then send that client to the next healer who specializes in treatments. Nowadays this have changed. We find that healers have become all-rounders.  The reason for this is because traditional healing has become all about the money. Healers use to accept the calling simple for the gift and purpose. Now, everybody does it for the money as if it’s a job….

  1.  Hence many people go into the field of traditional healing hoping to make tons of cash. Healers even resort to learning all forms of healing in order to consult, dispense treatment and even train others for the cash benefit.
  2. We have a growing number of healers because the population is growing. And so is the number of gifted people amongst our communities.  
  3. Our ancestors are become more and more aggravated each day. We are trying to help solve ancestral problems but each we try it becomes worse because there is a lot of healers out there and these healers do not agree on the methods of healing. We end up having conflicting opinions which does not help the nation.

The reason why we have such conflicting views is because each healer wants to be the one who is correct and above other healers when it comes to knowledge skill and craft.  Healers do this in order to get more clients knocking on their doors. At the end of the day it goes back to the cash issue. It becomes more about the money than being about using the gift in healing people. So, when our ancestor become more aggravated, they make us even more sick and spiritually distorted. We then end up trying to sort out these problems by becoming healers. With the hope that when we accept a calling, everything will be okay. Hence we have so many sangomas all around us.

  1. There are people who agree to go into this field hoping to make tons of money. They see other healers who have made it and they believe that they can also become like them. People don’t take time to analyze things properly. Becoming a healer does not guarantee riches.  Look around you and see how many healers have become millionaires out of this calling.  And how many have struggled until their last days. Then ask yourself why….
  2. People become sangomas because of a wrong prognosis from healers they consult with. Not everyone who has spiritual problems is supposed to become a sangoma. And not everyone who is going to be a healer is supposed to Thwasa.  In fact we all can embrace our gifts without going the iNtwaso route. Healers who believe in iNtwaso will always push an agenda to thwasa simply because it benefits them. Look around and ask yourself how many people end up in conflict with their gobelas in intwaso.
  3. We have a lot of sangomas nowadays because the energies have changed. We are also much more sensitive and in touch with these energies more than before. The energies are much more stronger nowadays than before.
  4. Since the new millennium, the energies changed as we are approaching t the end of an Age of Pisces and the beginning of an age od Aquarius. The Age of Pisces has shaped human history for around 2000 years, and is slowly coming to an end, as the age of Aquarius takes its turn. There is no firm consensus amongst astrologers as to when the Age of Pisces began, and even less to when it ends, exactly.  But the change we are experiencing now is as a result of the end that has begun. Pisces ending and Aquarius beginning.
  • This is not the end of the world. This is the end of the age of Pisces which was the age of believing and the beginning of the age of the Aquarius which is the age knowing, which means that ignorance is now a choice.

This is one of the reasons why we see a number of healers chosing not to go thwasa nowadays. It is because the energies have changes so much and have intensified so much that we are now beginning to trust our own instinct and listening to our inner selves. The cause of all this is the change in the universe which prompts us all to use our intuitions from within rather than listen to what we are being told.

  1. There are a lot of sangomas now beacause people have believed that for you to become a sangoma you need to showcase it and sort of advertise it to the world. People neglected to see that we are all healers in our own right. We all can heal ourselves without even going to thwasa, without having to wear sangomas clothes everywhere we go.
  2. We are all healers our own lives. We are all spiritual beings having an human experience in this world.
  3. Yes there are a lot of sangomas nowadays but the actual truth is we are all sangomas. It is our birthright. Let us all reclaim our powers and take measures to claim out destinies. We are all knowledgeable just as equally.

We need to accept that we are all spiritual beings. All we need to do is share the knowledge we each have, learn from one another and empower one another in these spiritual matters.

We all have a light within us that burns straight from the source. Our source.  

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August 4 2021 3 04 /08 /August /2021 12:58

We all have a power to heal ourselves


“This is not the end of the world.  This is the end of the AGE of PISCES which was the age of BELIEVING and the BEGINNING of the age of AQUARIUS which is the age of KNOWING, which means that ignorance is now a choice.”

Now, it’s the time to start questioning all that you have been told and taught.  Start doing your own research and manifest the kind of life you want for yourself.

It is all in you. It is possible. Ignorance is now a choice.

To start manifesting you need to completely believe in yourself and your power with every bone in your body. Manifesting is about believing before seeing. It’s about knowing that what you want is already out there and you have the power to bring it into your life.

Believe that we as black African people were once very strong spiritually, until such time that our spirituality was shaken during the colonization of our country.  They knew how strong we were and they decided to dismantle the strong foundation that our ancestors have left for us.

Now it’s the time to sprout out like the seeds that we are, since we have been buried far too long.  


Take back your Power and…:

  • Increase your vibrations. We are spirits/ energy occupying physical bodies.  Tap into the energy field around and increase your vibrations. Be aware of your feelings, mood swings and emotions at all times. There is always a message for you in the energy field around you. Use this energy to your advantage. Follow your instincts. Follow your Heart.
  • Have a prayer place / umsamo wakho where you can appease the powers that guide you. These powers or energy is located in your Aura, an energy field that surrounds you. Have some time in your place of solitude and appease this energy field.
  • Be in touch with your powers. Having a prayer place enables you to pray to the right and appropriate guides in your life. Find out which guides are leading you and report the prayer place to them. Be aware who is leading you in your life. Find out if these guides are male or female, whether they are maternal or paternal. Whoever they are, they have a power to influence and affect your life. Your guides affect you depending on how they are feeling. When they are happy you also experience happiness in your life. When they are disgruntled, angry and upset they make you feel the same way. 
  • Understand energy. Energy can never be destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to the other. So, if you think that you can cast away your energy and live obliviously of your ancestors, please think again. Ancestors affect us in an energy form. They are energy, they are the power that affect our lives. Understand this power and use it wisely.
  • Celebrate your spirituality with pride. Have no shame in practicing your spiritual rituals. Have a prayer place and use it to your advantage. Teach your children about African ways of doing things. Congregate with fellow Africans and appease your ancestral powers.


As black Africans we need to go back to our roots and appease our ancestors. We need to attend congregational services where we celebrate our spirituality. Anybody can attend such congregational services. One doesn’t need to be a sangoma, a healer or a prophet in order to attend such services.


These services will help you…:

  • To increase your vibrations and channel your prayers effectively.
  • To avoid unnecessary problems with idlozi lakho.
  • To gain support from others who are also on the same journey.
  • To increase communication between you and your ancestral powers.
  • To avoid going to Intwaso for no reason at all.
  • To understand ancestral messages better.

We are waiting for the Lockdown regulations to ease up and then we can resume with our ancestral congregation services. We call it Inkonzo yesintu. For now we are based in kzn.

Those who are interested in attending the service and setting their spirits free please contact us on whatsapp 081 556 9474.

Walk the spiritual journey with the support you need…

Learn more about your journey and understand your gift…

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August 4 2021 3 04 /08 /August /2021 12:46

We all have a power to heal ourselves


“This is not the end of the world.  This is the end of the AGE of PISCES which was the age of BELIEVING and the BEGINNING of the age of AQUARIUS which is the age of KNOWING, which means that ignorance is now a choice.”

Now, it’s the time to start questioning all that you have been told and taught.  Start doing your own research and manifest the kind of life you want for yourself.

It is all in you. It is possible. Ignorance is now a choice.

To start manifesting you need to completely believe in yourself and your power with every bone in your body. Manifesting is about believing before seeing. It’s about knowing that what you want is already out there and you have the power to bring it into your life.

Believe that we as black African people were once very strong spiritually, until such time that our spirituality was shaken during the colonization of our country.  They knew how strong we were and they decided to dismantle the strong foundation that our ancestors have left for us.

Now it’s the time to sprout out like the seeds that we are, since we have been buried far too long.  


Take back your Power and…:

  • Increase your vibrations. We are spirits/ energy occupying physical bodies.  Tap into the energy field around and increase your vibrations. Be aware of your feelings, mood swings and emotions at all times. There is always a message for you in the energy field around you. Use this energy to your advantage. Follow your instincts. Follow your Heart.
  • Have a prayer place / umsamo wakho where you can appease the powers that guide you. These powers or energy is located in your Aura, an energy field that surrounds you. Have some time in your place of solitude and appease this energy field.
  • Be in touch with your powers. Having a prayer place enables you to pray to the right and appropriate guides in your life. Find out which guides are leading you and report the prayer place to them. Be aware who is leading you in your life. Find out if these guides are male or female, whether they are maternal or paternal. Whoever they are, they have a power to influence and affect your life. Your guides affect you depending on how they are feeling. When they are happy you also experience happiness in your life. When they are disgruntled, angry and upset they make you feel the same way. 
  • Understand energy. Energy can never be destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to the other. So, if you think that you can cast away your energy and live obliviously of your ancestors, please think again. Ancestors affect us in an energy form. They are energy, they are the power that affect our lives. Understand this power and use it wisely.
  • Celebrate your spirituality with pride. Have no shame in practicing your spiritual rituals. Have a prayer place and use it to your advantage. Teach your children about African ways of doing things. Congregate with fellow Africans and appease your ancestral powers.


As black Africans we need to go back to our roots and appease our ancestors. We need to attend congregational services where we celebrate our spirituality. Anybody can attend such congregational services. One doesn’t need to be a sangoma, a healer or a prophet in order to attend such services.


These services will help you…:

  • To increase your vibrations and channel your prayers effectively.
  • To avoid unnecessary problems with idlozi lakho.
  • To gain support from others who are also on the same journey.
  • To increase communication between you and your ancestral powers.
  • To avoid going to Intwaso for no reason at all.
  • To understand ancestral messages better.

We are waiting for the Lockdown regulations to ease up and then we can resume with our ancestral congregation services. We call it Inkonzo yesintu. For now we are based in kzn.

Those who are interested in attending the service and setting their spirits free please contact us on whatsapp 081 556 9474.

Walk the spiritual journey with the support you need…

Learn more about your journey and understand your gift…

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May 13 2021 4 13 /05 /May /2021 08:36

Please visit and like my new Facebook page  called heal fola ulapheke. 

On this  page we interview healers through live streaming every Sunday. 


Here you will learn more on the diversity of our healers and gifts. You can also pick and choose a healer according to your needs and problems. 

Please like and follow this page.

Heal fola ulapheke.  


Whatsapp 0815569474 for more info or to make a booking for a reading. 

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April 10 2021 6 10 /04 /April /2021 01:16

Edlozini has set up a YouTube channel, where we'll be posting about inkonzo and all the relevant teachings when it comes to working with energy in our lives.

Not only just for the purpose of healing idlozi - but also to increase the flow of life force and vitality into our everyday living. 

After working as a spiritual medium for 15 years, connecting and relaying messages from people's ancestral support. I'm excited to be sharing all the lessons and experiences I've gathered along the way.

In the YouTube channel, I'll be creating video content discussing things people need to know and understand when dealing with African ancestors.

The following videos are up for viewing (Click on the video titles to be redirected to the videos on Youtube - remember to share & subscribe):

Indlela yokwelapha ngeqiniso (Ancestral healing)

How to understand ithongo lakho

Idlozi nemindeni

Umuthi ne dlozi lakho

Why attend inkonzo yesintu


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March 24 2021 3 24 /03 /March /2021 01:51

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October 2 2020 5 02 /10 /October /2020 18:24

Umgidi 2020
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September 7 2020 1 07 /09 /September /2020 20:20

As healers we meet people on a daily basis who need spiritual help.  

These are the type of people who are at a stage in their lives where they have realized that they need help. 

Usually these people have had some kind of telltale signs or they have had problems or symptoms and stumbling blocks that prompt them to seek help. 

Some of them seek quick fixes whilst others need clarity in order to understand what had gone wrong in their lives.  

Over the years I  have  studied the patterns , reactions and trends of clients who come to seek help. 


Tips and pointers to take note about this spiritual journey. 

  • Understand that the reasons why you have decided to seek help was because you had already noted that something was not RIGHT in your life. 
  • Accept that the pointers /energies that disrupted your life have enough energy to cause you pain and discomfort.  One way or the other. 
  • Realise that the chain of events that brought you to seek help works like dominoes.  Once it gets started,  there is no quick fix to it. All you can do is understand that it has started,  then embrace it so that you can have a better understanding of its direction.  The sooner you begin to brace for impact .
  • Also try and do an introspection and analyze your own input into the situation you find yourself in. 
  • Take some responsibility for the situation you find yourself in. 
  • Only then can you begin to heal. And change the outcome of the so called wrath upon you. 
  • Stop blaming others for the situation you find yourself in.  
  • Own up to your problems. 

Some people come seeking for help and fail to do all of the above.  

Others go on to do more wrongs than to correct the damage that had already been done.  

  • Listen with an open mind.
  • Dont be defensive 
  • Understand that we all have our own unique journeys. 
  • Never underestimate people who are trying to help you. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.  
  • Do not look down upon a healer who is trying to help you. 
  • Some people even go so far as asking why their situations get worse once they get in touch with the spirits.  Without knowing that the journey of the soul has no Right or Wrong.  It is It. It does not judge. It does not change its cause. All that can change is You. You need to be the Change that you want to see in the world.  
  • Allow the spirit to take its cause. 
  • Be realistic and logical.
  • Have faith that the soul has more power than anything else.  
  • The soul is Love. 
  • Love is the most powerful form of energy. 
  • Be grateful for the messages you receive during the reading. 
  • The sooner you accept the message and have faith in the power of the soul, is the sooner you allow the soul to take over and help you. 
  • When you allow the soul to be .....you become one with the soul. And you embrace everything that happens in your life without any prejudice or doubt. 
  • You remain  calm. 
  • You can even say that....It is well with my soul.  
  • You are healed.  
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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
  • Contact


  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
